Thermo Fisher Accucore PFP
- 品牌 Thermofisher Scientific/赛默飞世尔
- 型号
- 产地 U.S.A
- 厂商性质 代理商
- 更新时间 2016/6/27 16:11:21
- 访问次数 733
- Alternative selectivity to C18
- Extra retention for halogenated species
- Unique selectivity for non-halogenated polar compounds
The introduction of fluorine groups into the Accucore PFP (pentafluorophenyl) stationary phase causes significant changes in solute-stationary phase interactions This can lead to extra retention and selectivity for positional isomers of halogenated compounds
PFP Columns are also well suited to the selective analysis of non-halogenated compounds, in particular polar compounds containing hydroxyl, carboxyl, nitro or other polar groups. High selectivity is often most apparent when the functional groups are located on an aromatic or other rigid ring system
Positional isomers