TSQ Quantum Ultra Thermo Scientific三重四极杆液质联用仪
- 公司名称 北京雷泰仪器有限公司
- 品牌 Thermofisher Scientific/赛默飞世尔
- 型号 TSQ Quantum Ultra
- 产地
- 厂商性质 经销商
- 更新时间 2023/8/17 17:07:14
- 访问次数 1363
产地类别 | 进口 | 价格区间 | 面议 |
仪器种类 | 串联四极杆 | 应用领域 | 医疗卫生,食品,生物产业,烟草,制药 |
Thermo Scientific三重四极杆液质联用仪采用H-ESI离子源和双曲面四级杆质量分析器,其*的H-SRM功能可进行高选择性定量。硬件性能的提高和新扫描功能使其在灵敏度、精密度、耐用性和可靠性等方面进一步提升,成为世界上定量选择性好的三重四极杆质谱系统,TSQ Quantum Ultra同时进行定量分析和定性确证,增强定量数据关联二级扫描(QED - MS/MS) 为多残留分析和定量实验提供显著优势。适用于包括食品安全、环境分析、药物研发和药代动力学、临床检验等诸多领域。
The TSQ Quantum Ultra LC/MS/MS uses an H-ESI ion source and a hyperbolic quadrupole mass analyzer with unique H-SRM capabilities for highly selective quantification. Increased hardware performance and new scanning capabilities further enhance sensitivity, precision, durability and reliability, making it the world's most selective triple quadrupole mass spectrometry system for food safety, environmental analysis. , drug development, pharmacokinetics, clinical testing and other fields.
TSQ Quantum Ultra can do the quantitative analysis and qualitative at same time, enhance quantitative data connected secondary scanning (QED-MS/MS), make significant advantages for multi-residue and quantitative experiments.
1. TSQ Quantum Ultra质谱仪主机(HESI离子源)
2. 质谱用前级真空泵
3. 配套软件和电脑(XCalibur 3.0系统软件)
4. 配套氮气发生器(可选)
5. UPS不间断保护电源(可选)
Product configuration:
1. TSQ Quantum Ultra mass spectrometer host (HESI ion source)
2. Pre-stage vacuum pump for mass spectrometry
3. Supporting software and computer (XCalibur 3.0 system software)
4. Supporting nitrogen generator (optional)
5. UPS uninterrupted protection power supply (optional)
Thermo Scientific三重四极杆液质联用仪产品参数:
≥10M;7500(FWHM)at M/Z 508 of polytyrosine
消除分子量相差<0.7 amu的假阳性检出
可清晰分辨生物大分子的多电荷峰(>10电荷), 可测定更高质量的生物大分子
质量稳定度:±0.050 amu/24小时
扫描速度: 全量程扫描5000u/sec
SRM通道转换时间:< 2ms
单位质量分辨,Q1=0.7Da,Q3=0.7Da ESI/APCI:500 fg 利血平,峰对峰信噪比S/N 优于150:1
增强分辨率,Q1=0.2Da,Q3=0.7Da,ESI/APCI:500 fg 利血平,峰对峰信噪S/N优于150:1
Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum parameters:
l M/Z: 10-1500 amu
l The highest resolution:
w ≥10M; 7500(FWHM)at M/Z 508 of polytyrosine
w Eliminate false positive detection with molecular weight difference <0.7 amu
w Improve the measured sensitivity of trace drug detection in complex background
w Endogenous differences between samples, increasing method reliability and portability
w Clearly distinguishes multi-charge peaks (>10 charges) of biomacromolecules to determine higher quality biomacromolecules
l Quality stability: ±0.050 amu/24 hours
l Scanning speed: full scale scan 5000u/sec
l SRM channel conversion time: < 2ms
l Positive and negative polarity spectrum conversion time: <95ms
l Sensitivity:
w Unit mass resolution, Q1=0.7Da, Q3=0.7Da ESI/APCI: 500 fg Reserpine, peak-to-peak signal-to-noise ratio S/N better than 150:1
w Enhanced resolution, Q1=0.2Da, Q3=0.7Da, ESI/APCI: 500 fg Reserpine, peak-to-peak signal-to-noise ratio S/N better than 150:1
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