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34079-- SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate

  • 公司名称 北京华夏远洋科技有限公司
  • 品牌 Thermofisher Scientific/赛默飞世尔
  • 型号 34079--
  • 产地 Thermo pierce
  • 厂商性质 代理商
  • 更新时间 2017/9/1 14:05:54
  • 访问次数 975



      北京华夏远洋科技有限公司位于北京市海淀区,临近北京大学,清华大学,中国农业大学(西区),中国农业*畜牧研究所和植物保护所,中国医学院药用植物研究所,解放军309医院,中国林业*,*植物研究所等等各大高校、医院和科研单位。是一家专业从事Qiagen, Roche, Toyobo,Sigma, Amresco, Invitrogen,  Abcam, Santa cruz, Fermantas(MBI), NEB, Omega, Biomiga, BD, Peprotech, Abnova, R&D systerms, GE, Biovision, Millipore, Merck, CST, Axygen, Corning, NUNC, Thermo fihser, Genscript等各大世界生命科学产品的代理,订购,经销批发的生物商城。


Genscript(北京一级代理),USCN(北京一级代理),Qiagen、Toyobo、Sigma、Amresco、Roche、Santa cruz、Fermantas、Abcam、Invitrogen、GE、CST、R&D systems、Omega、Biomiga、Biovision、Merck、Corning、Axygen、NUNC、BD、Thermo、Millipore、碧云天、南京建成、杭州爱思进、LetPub专业SCI论文编辑北京办事处、技术服务项目。

SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate  

Thermo Scientific SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate is an enhanced chemiluminescent (ECL) substrate for horseradish peroxidase (HRP) enzyme that provides low picogram detection of proteins in Western blot applications.

SuperSignal West Pico Substrate emits light for longer and chemiluminescent signal at more than twice the intensity of other entry-level luminol-based horseradish peroxidase detection systems while also maintaining sensitivity and low background. In addition, the greater signal intensity is achieved using less primary and secondary antibody than typical ECL substrates. All of this for about 30% less cost than comparable products.
  • ECL substrate – an enhanced chemiluminescent substrate for detection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) activity from antibodies and other Western blot probes
  • Economy – costs less per milliliter than other similarly sensitive chemiluminescent substrates
  • Picogram sensitivity – highly sensitive for the rapid development of a wide range of protein levels
  • Stable light output – long-duration signal makes it possible to make multiple exposures to film
  • High intensity – signal is twice as strong as output from other luminol-based systems
  • Excellent stability – 24-hour working solution stability; 1-year kit stability at room temperature
  • Saves antibody – requires much less (more dilute) primary and secondary antibodies per blot
Product Details:
is stable for at least one year at room temperature and can be stored at 4°C for longer stability. The working solution is stable for a minimum of 24 hours at room temperature and can be used in either light or dark conditions.
In side-by-side comparisons using identical conditions, blots incubated in exhibit at least twice the intensity of blots treated with the GE Healthcare ECL System. costs much less than the GE Healthcare ECL System. Furthermore, the SuperSignal West Pico Substrate stock solution is room temperature (RT) stable for more than 12 months, with no discernable loss in activity. RT stability frees up valuable cold room space and saves time because there is no need to wait for the reagents to warm up. With signal duration of more than six hours, there is adequate time to optimize the exposure conditions. In most cases, there is no need to rerun gels. Switching to SuperSignal West Pico Substrate from an entry-level ECL substrate is not only easy, it will give you more of the results you are looking for.

Intensity of SuperSignal West Pico Substrate versus GE Healthcare ECL System 6 hours after incubation Enhance light emission kinetics: Thermo Scientific SuperSignal Substrate vs. GE ECL System. Net relative intensity six hours after incubation is much greater for SuperSignal West Pico Substrate than for the GE ECL System.


Western blots of IL-2 comparing detection limits of SuperSignal West Pico and Amersham ECL
Thermo Scientific SuperSignal West Pico is more sensitive than GE ECL Substrate. Recombinant mouse IL-2 was diluted (50 to 0.003ng) and electrophoresis was performed. The gels were transferred to nitrocellulose membranes, blocked and incubated with a 1µg/mL dilution of rat anti-mouse IL-2. After washing, the membranes were incubated with 20ng/mL dilutions of HRP-conjugated goat anti-rat antibody. The membranes were washed again and then incubated with substrate that was prepared according to the manufacturers' instructions. Blots were exposed to film for one- and five-minute exposures
Related Resources:
Tech Tip #67: Chemiluminescent Western blotting technical guide and protocols
Tech Tip #21: Convert to SuperSignal West Pico Substrate from ECL Substrate
Tech Tip #22: Determine source of nonspecific background signal in Western blots
Tech Tip #24: Optimize antigen and antibody concentrations for Western blots
Related Products:
SuperSignal (and other) Western Blotting Kits – include secondary antibodies, etc.
Pierce Fast Western Blot Kits with SuperSignal Substrates
Selection Guide for Chemiluminescent Western Blot Substrates
Blotting Equipment, Membranes and Signal Enhancers
CL-XPosure Film (X-ray film for chemiluminescence)
Pierce Protocols App
Ordering Information
Product # Description Pkg. Size Instructions MSDS CofA Price
34079 SuperSignal West Pico Trial Kit
Formulation: Proprietary luminol and peroxide solutions
Sufficient For: 6 mini-gel blots; 500cm2 of membrane

Kit Contents:
Luminol/Enhancer, 25mL
Stable Peroxide Buffer, 25mL
50mL kit Product Instructions for product #34079 SuperSignal West Pico Trial Kit MSDS for product #34079 SuperSignal West Pico Trial Kit Certificate of Analysis for product #34079 SuperSignal West Pico Trial Kit

Local contact
Formulation: Proprietary luminol and peroxide solutions
Sufficient For: 12 mini-gel blots; 1000cm2 of membrane

Kit Contents:
Luminol/Enhancer, 50mL
Stable Peroxide Buffer, 50mL
100mL kit Product Instructions for product #34077 MSDS for product #34077 Certificate of Analysis for product #34077

Local contact
Formulation: Proprietary luminol and peroxide solutions
Sufficient For: 25 mini-gel blots; 2000cm2 of membrane

Kit Contents:
Luminol/Enhancer, 100mL
Stable Peroxide Buffer, 100mL
200mL kit Product Instructions for product #34087 MSDS for product #34087 Certificate of Analysis for product #34087

Local contact
Formulation: Proprietary luminol and peroxide solutions
Sufficient For: 60 mini-gel blots; 5000cm2 of membrane

Kit Contents:
Luminol/Enhancer, 250mL
Stable Peroxide Buffer, 250mL
500mL kit Product Instructions for product #34080 MSDS for product #34080 Certificate of Analysis for product #34080

Local contact
Formulation: Proprietary luminol and peroxide solutions

Kit Contents:
Stable Peroxide Buffer
Custom MSDS for product #34080AB

Formulation: Proprietary luminol and peroxide solutions
Sufficient For: 120 mini-gel blots; 10,000cm2 of membrane

Kit Contents:
Luminol/Enhancer, 500mL
Stable Peroxide Buffer, 500mL
1L kit Product Instructions for product #34078 MSDS for product #34078 Certificate of Analysis for product #34078

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