Air Monitoring Canisters: TO-Can
- High quality, metal-to-metal seal, 2/3-turn valve with stainless steel diaphragms.高質量、金屬對金屬密封、2/3不銹鋼膜片的轉向閥。
- 2-port or 3-port valve available; 3-port valve includes -30" Hg/60psi vacuum/pressure gauge (other gauges available).2通或3通閥,3通閥包括-30" Hg/60psi 真空/壓力表。
US EPA Compendium of Air Methods TO-14A And TO-15 regulate the collection, storage, and analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using treated air sampling canisters. Restek offers a complete line of TO-Can? canisters (SUMMA can equivalent), electropolished using a proprietary process and extensively cleaned using an ultrasonic method. This ensures a high-quality, passivated surface that maintains the stability of TO-14A/TO-15 compounds during storage. The frame surrounds the electropolished canister, eliminating the need for weld marks on the sphere, thereby preventing active sites on the canister. The Parker Hannifin metal-to-metal diaphragm valve supports the excellent performance of the canister.
The unique holder attaches the handle and base to the canister without welds, and protects the canister, tube stub, and valve. The 2/3-turn diaphragm valve has a metal-to-metal seat and a temperature limit of 250°C. We leak check the system with helium to ensure the TO-Can? canister and valve are leak-tight, then pressurize the canister with contaminant-free nitrogen before we ship it.
US EPA空氣監測規定的TO014,TO-15要求使用經過處理的空氣采樣罐來采集和儲存VOC氣體。我們的TO-Can罐是使用專有電拋光技術和超聲工藝進行處理,*這個要求。SUMMA采樣罐也滿足這個要求。這了保證質量,罐的內表面需要進行鈍化處理,使TO-14/TO-15的成份在儲存中保持穩定。電拋光罐體球形外框架不用焊接,防止活性點出現。采用了Park Hannifin的金屬對金屬薄膜閥保證了采樣罐具有優良的性能。上面的把手也不是焊接的,它起到支撐管道和閥的作用。2/3轉向閥也是金屬密封,很容易判斷是對于“開”還是“關”的狀態。閥zui高可耐溫250攝氏度。出廠時先采用氦檢漏儀對罐和閥進行檢漏,然后充裝高純氮氣保存。
- SUMMA canister equivalent.等同于蘇瑪罐。
- Excellent analyte recovery--even after 14 days of storage.*的采樣分析裝置-可保持14天不變質。
Instruction Sheets:
Description | Volume | qty. | Cat.# | ||||
TO-Can Canister, 1/4" Valve | 1L | ea. | 24172 | ||||
TO-Can Canister with Gauge, 1/4" Valve | 1L | ea. | 24176 | ||||
TO-Can Canister without Valve | 1L | ea. | 22094 | ||||
TO-Can Canister, 1/4" Valve | 3L* | ea. | 24173 | ||||
TO-Can Canister with Gauge, 1/4" Valve | 3L* | ea. | 24177 | ||||
TO-Can Canister without Valve | 3L* | ea. | 22095 | ||||
TO-Can Canister, 1/4" Valve | 6L | ea. | 24174 | ||||
TO-Can Canister with Gauge, 1/4" Valve | 6L | ea. | 24178 | ||||
TO-Can Canister without Valve | 6L | ea. | 22096 | ||||
TO-Can Canister, 1/4" Valve | 15L | ea. | 24175 | ||||
TO-Can Canister with Gauge, 1/4" Valve | 15L | ea. | 24179 | ||||
TO-Can Canister without Valve | 15L | ea. | 22097 | ||||
*If attaching any of Restek's passive sampling kits to a 3L canister, use a Siltek treated (cat.# 563646) or stainless steel (cat.# 563647) connector between the two components.
Click thumbnails to see enlarged view.
- 煙氣分析儀
- 甲醛分析儀
- 粉塵測定儀/粉塵儀
- 紅外線氣體分析儀
- 多組分氣體分析儀
- 一氧化碳分析儀
- 二氧化碳分析儀
- 氨氣分析儀/氨分析儀
- 汽車尾氣分析儀
- 有毒有害氣體監測儀
- 臭氧檢測儀
- 煙氣/大氣重金屬在線分析儀
- 高純氣/特氣分析系統
- VOC檢測儀/TVOC檢測儀
- 臭氧分析儀(O3)
- 熱導式氣體分析儀
- CO、SO2、HCL、NOX、空氣檢測儀
- PM2.5/PM10/PM1/TSP大氣顆粒物監測儀
- 甲烷/非甲烷烴檢測儀
- 氮氧化物分析儀(NOX)
- 油煙檢測儀
- 惡臭測定儀
- 粉塵采樣器
- 氣體采樣器/大氣采樣器
- 粒子計數器
- 煙塵采樣器、煙氣采樣器
- 顆粒物采樣器
- 零氣發生器
- TSP采樣器
- 空氣微生物采樣器
- PM2.5采樣器
- PM10采樣器
- 粗、細顆粒物雙道采樣器
- 二噁英采樣儀/二噁英采樣器
- 酸雨采樣器
- 激光雷達
- 太陽光度計
- 塵量分析儀
- 氣體稀釋儀
- 煙度計
- 氣溶膠
- 氣體在線自動監測系統
- 灰霾監測系統
- 空氣質量自動監測系統
- 煙氣汞連續監測系統
- 氣體報警器/探測器/傳感器
- 溫室氣體監測儀
- 蘇瑪罐采樣器
- 揚塵監測儀
- 降水/降塵自動采樣監測儀
- 煙氣汞采樣器
- 氨逃逸在線監測系統
- 粒徑譜儀
- 其它氣體檢測