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TECHLAB ®的創始人于 1970 年代后期在弗吉尼亞理工大學厭氧菌實驗室會面,當時他們正在研究艱難梭菌感染的診斷和治療。在 Tracy Wilkins 博士的帶領下,研究人員開發了用于艱難梭菌疾病的商業診斷試劑。
當發現艱難梭菌是醫院的主要病原體后,對抗血清的需求迅速增長,TECHLAB 于 1989 年成立并生產和銷售該產品。
The founders of TECHLAB® met in the late 1970s at Virginia Tech’s Anaerobe Laboratory, where they were investigating diagnosis and treatments for Clostridium difficile infection. Led by Dr. Tracy Wilkins, the researchers developed the first commercial diagnostic reagents for C. difficile disease.