在2006年匹兹堡展会上,戴安公司推出的UltiMate3000型液相色谱以其多种组合方式、涵盖全部液相流速范围(从纳升级到半制备)以及提高通量的双梯度泵系统的特点荣获了IBO杂志(Instrument Business Outlook magazine)评选的高奖项-金奖。 同时获得这一奖项的还有安捷伦的1200型HPLC.与传统液相色谱不同,UltiMate3000具有更高的处理样品通量,双泵系统以串联或并联的方式工作*符合已有的认证方法;更方便的切换装置,快速调整到所需的流速范围;2维或多维液相具有更高的灵敏度和分辨率。
“Dionex’s UltiMate 3000 LC series includes seven standard systems and five dual-gradient systems and several new modules. The new system features a new on-line vacuum degasser, the Autoualification suite and the UltiFlow active flow splitting for LC/MS. It replaces the company’s Summit HPLC. The x2 Dual-Gradient system features a dual-gradient pump and column switching for parallel or tandem LC. The system can perform 2-D or multidimensional LC as well as on-line SPE-LC.
The UltiMate 3000 Micro HPLC system features five micro pump systems."